
First Meeting of the Council of regions of Russia and Uzbekistan

The first meeting of the Uzbekistan-Russia Council of Regions took place in Tashkent headed by the presidents of both countries. Leaders from almost thirty Russian regions as well as 300 representatives of top Russian businesses were present at the event. Uzbek President Shavkat Mirziyoyev is creating the ideal environment to boost trade ties and unleash the potential of interregional cooperation. "The outcomes will be very high when we support the regions instead of impeding them," he stated in his address.
The Russian market, with over 140 million people, presents enormous interest and opportunities for our company, Global Textile, to expand our business. We are currently exploring joint projects with the regions of Ivanovo, Samara, and Sverdlovsk. The Council of regions has become an important step in strengthening economic ties between Uzbekistan and Russia, opening new prospects for business and industrial cooperation.
First Meeting of the Council of regions of Russia and Uzbekistan